Where our heART is
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Our Youth
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These teens are the reason I Am M.O.R.E. exists.
Joy Opens Hearts to Accept A New Attitude
I am J.O.H.A.N.A.
I choose joy.
The Opportunity to Shine Has Arrived
I am T.O.S.H.A.
I am enough.
Just Understand: Striving to Inspire
Changes Everything
I am J.U.S.T.I.C.E.
I give back.
Rising Over
Stressful Experiences
I am R.O.S.E.
Watch me bloom!
Open to Sharing, Caring
And Receiving
I am O.S.C.A.R.
I am worthy.
Faith Always Inspires
a Zen Attitude
I am F.A.I.Z.A.
I offer peace.
Joy After Pain & Heartbreak
Emerges To help You
I am J.A.P.H.E.T.Y.
I grow in faith.
Jewels In My Experiences
Need Appreciation
I am J.I.M.E.N.A.
I am emerging.
Journeys Are Never
Ending Triumphs
I am J.A.N.E.T.
I overcome.